Discounts provide a way to give a customer a dollar amount or percentage amount deduction on a proposal or invoice.
To access Discount admin click on the Admin menu option. Then select Discount.
You can create, edit or delete discounts from the Discount admin screen.
A discount can be associated with a customer. Any jobs created for that customer will automatically have the discount associated with the customer applied to proposals or invoices created for the job. Applying a discount can be helpful to reward preferred customers with a discount or to provide a senior citizen discount.
To associate a discount with a customer...
Edit the customer
Select the Options tab
Look for the Discount option under the Account Information section
Any discounts that have been created under Discount admin will be available as an option in this list.
To associate a discount with a job...
Edit the job
Select the Options tab
Click on Add Discount
The Add Discount dialog will be displayed.
Any discounts created under Discount admin will be available as an option in the discount dropdown list.
When a discount has been selected, it can be edited 'on the fly.' The discount defined in the Discount admin will not be affected. Any edits to that discount will be applied only to that job.
You can create a discount 'on the fly.' You do not have to choose from the dropdown list of discounts defined in the Discount admin. Any discounts applied in this manner will only be applied to that job. The discount will not be saved as a Discount under the discount admin.
When a proposal or invoice is created for a job, the discount will be applied pre-tax amount.