

Timesheets are used to clock in/out of work in order to track your time. Start a timer for a job or appointment to record how long you spent helping a customer, or to log breaks and meals.

To access your Timesheet click the Work menu option. Then choose Timesheet.

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Your Timesheet is also available from the Dashboard on your mobile device.

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Clocking In / Out

When you're starting your shift you can record your time by clicking the Clock In button. Add some optional notes about you're clocked in and ready to work.

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Your timesheet shows your clock in time and a running total of your current hours. You can using the < and > buttons to review previous timesheets. When you're finished with your shift, click the Clock Out button.

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Once you're clocked in, you can use timers to track your activity. Timers are available on Appointments, Jobs and the Timesheet itself.

To start a timer, click the Start Timer button. Select the type of timer you want to start from the Type dropdown. (see Picklists for more information).

Your timesheet displays the running timer with the selected type.

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When you're finished with the activity click the Stop Timer button. Alternatively you can start a timer on a Job or Appointment and your previous timer will automatically be stopped.

At the end of the day, don't forget to clock out!

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Updated 25 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
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