Proposal eSign
Proposal eSign allows a customer to send an email with a link to view and approve, reject, or request changes to a proposal.
To send a proposal for eSign, click the Action Button (the ellipsis button with three dots) to the right of the proposal and then select Send for eSign.
The email editor modal dialog will display the default proposal eSign template (see Email Templates). You can edit this email or change the template before sending it.
Note: a proposal being sent for eSign MUST have the text [ESIGN-LINK] in the email's body. The default eSign email template already has the [ESIGN-LINK] text.
When the proposal eSign email is sent, the proposal will then be updated to display details regarding the eSign. Click the eSign button to display: when the proposal was sent for eSign, when the eSign expires, and the email address(es) where the eSign was sent.
If a customer can't find their proposal eSign email for some reason (for example, they deleted it by mistake), you can resend a proposal for eSign. Click the Action Button (the ellipsis button with three dots) to the right of the proposal and then select Send for eSign.
A new eSign email will be sent to the customer. A modal dialog will alert you that an eSign already exists and that creating a new eSign will delete the old one, replacing it with a new eSign. In other words, the eSign link in the original email sent to the customer will no longer be valid.
There are several system settings to configure how proposal eSign works, including options for Proposal eSign link days to expire. See System Settings
The email recipient will then receive an email with a link to view the proposal.
When the customer clicks the link to view the proposal, they will be presented with the following page in a web browser from which they can request changes, reject or accept the proposal.
When the customer clicks reject changes, reject, or accept, they will be prompted with a modal dialog to provide further information. The following screenshot illustrates the modal dialog the user is presented with if they click Accept.
You will receive an email notification detailing the customer's action on the Proposal eSign.
When viewing the job with that proposal, the documents section will have information on the result of the eSign. Click the eSign button to display the customer's response.